Integrated Listening System (ILS)


I am now certified as an iLS Practitioner, which will complement the occupational therapy treatments I provide through my A+ Handwriting program. What is iLS? Integrated Listening System (iLS) is a cutting edge therapeutic treatment technique based on the science of neuroplasticity, which has a global effect on the brain to process sensory, cognitive, and emotional information more effectively. Research studies on the use of the iLS method with children and adults with sensory processing, attention deficits, stress, sleep-related issues, and/or learning difficulties have demonstrated remarkable improvements in many areas of function, which transcend the results typically achieved in OT programs. I am especially excited to offer the iLS treatment to my current clients, along with their individualized OT plan. I will offer iLS to new clients beginning in June, 2015. Here is a link, which also has a video explanation of the iLS method:

Here is a link to a number of published research articles regarding the phenomenal results obtained using the iLS method:

~Marla Scaglione, MS, OTR/L


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