Reading + Handwriting Problems

When our daughter, Rose (6), started showing odd signs while learning to read and doing handwriting, we were at a loss.After listening carefully to our concerns, Marla gave her an evaluation and we were amazed at how thorough it was! She discovered midline issues we didn’t even know existed and continued by helping us understand visual loss, auditory processing disorder and disgraphia. She handled our numerous questions with ease and even recommended some books to help us.

Rose has been in session with Marla for a few months and she loves it. She can’t wait to do her “homework” during the week and constantly tells us how much fun OT is! We have seen a huge improvement in such a short time. Rose has gained control of her visual loss and the consequences for her reading and handwriting have been tremendous. Marla is very kid oriented and we have seen her challenge Rose but is always encouraging and supportive. We are very grateful for her knowledge and experience as our daughter’s occupational therapist.

Reading + Handwriting Problems


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